Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The chill has set in and all our plants that can move indoors for some prolonged grow time have been moved. We potted the jalapeno plant because it still had several babies growing and had bloomed in the past few days. The other pepper plant was potted to begin with so it just found itself a new sunny spot in the house.

The tomatoes are too large to move indoors though or I'd have tomatoes as there are still a few on the bush. We  pulled the majority and ripened them in a brown paper bag. They are all small but very tasty and a great addition to omelets and salads.

We lucked into a find, a friend of ours was cleaning out one of the buildings they own and found some panels that are covered in chicken wire. So half our chicken coop building supplies and cost are free! Even if we have to dismantle a few they will make a great chicken tractor.

We've gotten the first snow in state, but not quite that cold in our area yet, so the carrots that have been thriving in the fall chill are going to have to come up in a few days. I can't wait to see how they fared!

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