Thursday, June 17, 2010


My neighbor brought me a bag of tomatoes he'd traded some peppers the neighbor for. He said she gave him too many for them to eat so he thought he'd share.

We love tomatoes so we were more than happy to have them.

Seeing those bright red yummy treats made me a tinge jealous though. My little tomato out there is still tiny and green.

Patience is something I am working on regaining.
I'm sure it will be delish when it finally ripens though and I hope it will have some tasty siblings soon!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Our Second Growth

So meh.
We've gotten nothing much out of our sprouts so far. Granted, we weren't expecting a ton as we were bad little gardeners and left the sprouts in their pod greenhouse for too long.

Unfortunate, but something we didn't really have to much control of as the weather was so wild here for a bit. Of course that was right when the sprouts were ready to move on.

So I've gathered one more bean pod and we've got our first tomato growing on it's little stalk.

I've got to buy more dirt this weekend as my squash plants have managed to push around enough in trying to stretch in their new home and have nowhere down to go. So I'll add some more top layer and cross my fingers.
It is layer gardening after all. ^-^

Til next time!